Many of our clients find permissions requests welcome, but annoying. They have the work responsibilities of one and a half people, plus the job of granting permissions. Sound like you?
Here's the usual scenario…
A request arrives. You have to check the contract files to make sure you even own the rights requested. You check whether the author approved the use. You have to figure out a fee that is fair, but profitable. When you finally get the paperwork off your desk, you lose track of it all – there is no system for following up!
Sometimes, that doesn't matter, because by the time you complete the rigmarole described above, the piece had been dropped from the work, anyway.
We maximize your income from permissions. The requests need never even touch your in-box; if you like, you can have requests sent directly to us. We'll negotiate the terms, receive payment, and send you your income minus a small commission. No fuss—just increased income.
If you'd prefer to stay more involved in the process, you can pass requests on to us individually. You need not pass every request on. For example, you may prefer to deal directly with personal contacts.
Every client is unique, and we discuss each new client's needs and preferences in detail with them. We can tailor our service to suit your situation.
Click here to see a list of current clients.
Click here to learn about five pitfalls to avoid when granting permission.