About Frederick T. Courtright and The Permissions Company, LLC
Fred Courtright has worked in the copyright permissions field for more than thirty-five years. Before starting The Permissions Company in 1997, he held the position of Permissions Manager at W. W. Norton & Company and Permissions Coordinator at Macmillan Publishing Company.
The Permissions Company, LLC is located in Boca Raton, Florida. We conduct most of our business electronically or by phone, but we are also available to meet with you via Skype, Zoom, or other video conferencing.
Permissions granting
We currently administer rights for the following publishers, estates, and agents:
3: A Taos Press
Academic Studies Press (including Cherry Orchard Books, Plamen Press, New Europe Books, and BiblioRossica) Alice James Books
Allbook Books
Ausable Press (now part of Copper Canyon Press)
Autumn House Press
Black Ocean
Bellevue Literary Press
BOA Editions, Ltd.
Carnegie Mellon University Press
Catapult (including Soft Skull Press, Counterpoint, and Catapult Books) CavanKerry Press
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing
City Lights Books
Coffee House Press
Cleveland State University Poetry Center
Confluence Press
Copper Canyon Press
David R. Godine, Publisher
Etruscan Press
Fence Books
The Feminist Press
Finishing Line Press
Four Way Books
Futurepoem Books
George Braziller Inc., Publishers
Graywolf Press
Graymalkin Media Green Integer/Sun & Moon Press
Health Communications, Inc. including Counselor Magazine
Holy Cow! Press
Kaya Press
Milkweed Editions
Neshama Press
New Rivers Press
Nightboat Books
North Dakota State University Press
Oberlin College Press
Orbis Books
Parallax Press
Persea Books
Perugia Press
Red Hen Press
Sarabande Books
Seven Stories Press
Shambhala Publications, including Roost Books
Snow Lion Publications (now part of Shambhala Publications)
Sounds True, Inc.
Station Hill Press
Tavern Books
Texas Review Press
Texas Tech University Press
Tiger Bark Press (including Middlepoint Press)
Tupelo Press
University of Arkansas Press
University of Iowa Press (translation queries only)
Verse Press/Wave Books
West End Press
White Pine Press
Zephyr Press
Literary Estates
Estate of Paula Gunn Allen
Estate of Craig Arnold
Estate of James Baldwin
Estate of Robert Creeley
Estate of Brian Doyle
Estate of Aileen Fisher / Boulder Library Foundation
Estate of Angel Flores
Estate of Bobbi Katz
The Edna St. Vincent Millay Society
Katherine Anne Porter Literary Trust
Estate of Louis Simpson
Estate of Patricia Clark Smith
Estate of W. D. Snodgrass
Estate of William Stafford
Estate of Aldren Watson
Estate of Wendy Watson
Chris Calhoun Literary Agency
The Permissions Company, LLC grants permissions (i.e., administers rights) on behalf of a number of individual authors, including:
Charles Bernstein
MartÃn Espada
Kjell Espmark
Annie Finch
Linda Hogan Aurora Levins Morales
David Ray
Warsan Shire (Note: At present, this author is granting no reprint permissions)
Kim Stafford
Chase Twichell, and many others.
Former clients
Ahsahta Press: Ahsahta Press ceased publication and rights were returned automatically to the authors/estates
The Crossroad Publishing Company: Crossroad now handles permissions in-house. Apply to: rights@crossroadpublishing.com
Literary Trust of David Graham Du Bois/Estate of W. E. B. Du Bois: The Trust handles its own rights now. Direct a query to its President, Odell Murry omurry@maifinancial.com.
Firebrand Books: Firebrand ceased publication some time ago and rights were returned automatically to the authors/estates.
Hachette Book Group (including Grand Central Publishing, Little, Brown and Company, Hachette Books, Warner Books, Hyperion (adult titles only), Yen Press, Orbit, Faith Words, Voice, Black Dog & Leventhal, and Center Street). Rights are now handled internally for the Hachette Book Group USA, Inc and for books published by the Perseus Books Group--please see here: Hachette Book Group Copyrights and Permissions
Howard University Press: HUP ceased publication, and rights are now with the various authors and estates
Marick Press: With the closure of Marick Press, all rights to their titles were returned to their authors/estates
Paris Press: Paris Press was purchased by Wesleyan University Press
Starcherone Books Starcherone closed its doors in 2015 and rights were returned to its authors.
Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency: The Jennifer Lyons Agency now handles permissions requests in-house.
Estate of Melvin B. Tolson: With the death of Melvin B. Tolson Jr and his brother, we no longer have any contact with this estate.
Literary Executor
Fred Courtright acts as Executor to a number of writers (most still living!), including Gary Gach, Mariela Griffor, Clyde Watson, Stephanie Strickland, and others.
Permissions seeking
The Permissions Company has completed permissions seeking projects for many educational publishers, including projects for the following:
Academic Press
Bedford/St. Martin's
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Pearson Education (including Prentice-Hall, Longman, and Allyn & Bacon)
Lanahan Books
McGraw-Hill, Inc.
TE21, Inc.
Worth Publishers
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Other publishers for whom we have recently obtained permissions include:
Penguin Random House
Little, Brown & Company
The Lyons Press
Wipf & Stock
Eyewear Publishers
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
W. W. Norton & Company Inc.
Yale University Press
Contemporary Books
Farrar Straus & Giroux
Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
HarperCollins Publishers
Health Communications, Inc.
Spotlight/Simon & Schuster, Inc.
The Free Press/Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Warner Books
References are available upon request.